Alabama Eviction Notices

Alabama eviction notices allow a landlord to give their tenant the right to cure their issue by giving them notice of the violation. After the notice period, the tenant should have either come back into compliance, by payment of rent or fixing the violation, or they will be forced to move out of the property. If they choose to do neither, the landlord will have no other choice but to proceed with legal eviction action by filing a Complaint and starting the eviction process by filing with the Judicial Court.

Notice Types

Alabama 7 Day Notice to Comply or Quit

An Alabama seven (7) day notice to quit is a letter that may be sent to the tenant when they are in non-compliance with their lease agreement for any reason other than the non-payment of rent. If the landlord does …

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Alabama 7 Day Notice to Pay or Quit

The Alabama seven (7) day notice to quit the day after payment is due as stated in the lease agreement between the landlord and tenant. The notice gives the tenant the seven (7) time period to either pay all that is …

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How to Evict a Tenant (Process)

A landlord in Alabama may begin the eviction process with the Judicial Circuit Court only after exercising their efforts through a notice with the specified time period.

Step 1 – The landlord should complete the Complaint and Summons (Form C-59) and apply to the Judicial Court in their county along with the $256 filing fee (Call to make sure it is the correct fee).

Step 2 – After making the initial filing, the landlord will be required to inform the tenant that a case has been filed against them by serving them the Notice of Forcible Entry and Detainer (Form C-60)Answer (Form PS-01) and Statement of Complaint (Form SM-1). The tenant shall have up to seven (7) days to respond.

After the seven (7) day period, or before, a hearing will be scheduled.

Step 3 – After the hearing, and if the Judge rules in the favor of the landlord, the Writ of Restitution (Form C-59A) will be submitted and the landlord may give to the Sheriff’s Office. Depending on the County the tenant will either have a certain amount of days to leave the premises or be forced to leave immediately. If the tenant opts to remain on the premises the Sheriff may forcibly remove the tenant and grant access to the landlord.